places to go

Friday 22 October 2010

With the Speed of the gods!

I've managed to get quite far in
two short hours

that have felt like a lifetime.

Ive reloaded the planes

Added the lines using the snap tool
converted to editable poly
the next step is to use your reference planes
to extrude the vertex of the polygon
to line up with the contours of your face.

Now im not complaining but this is tidious
and requires attention as not to deselected/selected
the wrong vertex point

after a lot of pulling a lining up you have something like this.

right now im done on to the next section

which i believe is using the mirror or symetrey
tool to duplicate what I have

so I dont have to do it all over again!

you apply a symmetry modify from the drop down box
set your anchor point and pull it across
to line up with the middle seem

it looks like a japaneese kensi mask!
not my face

Now a pro wrestle mask!

Out of all the options for making a mirror image using
the symetery tool offers the best results,
as i can edit one side and watch the mirrored side take an effect,
all in all its coming along pretty well.
after adding a couple of modifiers
such as turbo smooth and setting
the nurbs to smoothing it looks pretty good.


so I clicked open new file not save, so I lost everything
and had to start again! I opened the original file but the
topology was set to the old [PSD] i had, so I've started again!


look at this bit of rubbish!

Re do Of Topooo

I re-did my Topology and this is the result,
hopefull now i have a lack of triangles
and such i should be in for an easier time!



it turns out my topology wasnt that great so I
ended up with lots of silly little faults that I
couldnt correct, so i was advised by Richard
to start again! all very well but i have to be
handing this in soon!